Every Friday, room 550 goes from a place where Business Education is taught, to a room where people are rockstars, or priests, or anything their heart desires. That is the power of the Roleplay Club, where Tabletop Roleplaying games are played. It can take a person from a meek nerd to the strongest warrior in all of Baldur’s Gate.
While most people see Dungeons and Dragons as a hobby for nerds, it really isn’t. Sure, there’s a nerdy aspect to it, but it’s no more nerdy than Final Fantasy or any other JRPG.
The name JRPG is even vestigial from dungeons and dragons, as many early RPGS took inspiration from dungeons and dragons when making their battle system. Ever wonder why they are often turn based? It’s a holdover from Dungeons and Dragons.
Of course, tabletop roleplaying isn’t just Dungeons and Dragons. There’s Cyberpunk (yes that cyberpunk) and Call of Cthulhu. Pathfinder and just the D20 system, hence the name Roleplay Club.
The club doesn’t typically adhere to leadership structures, each table is mostly its own thing. There’s a DM, who runs the game and creates the experience for you, writing stories and creating props and other items required or enjoyed to play the game, but other than that, everyone is equal and has the same goal, to have fun.
Q: What does it take to be a part of Roleplay Club?
A: A willing attitude and the ability to cooperate with others. Other than that, no experience is required. The DMs are likely to help coach you through whatever you need help with.
Q: Why was Roleplay Club started
A: Roleplay Club was created to provide an entertaining environment for everyone after school.
Q: What are the goals for Roleplay Club?
A: The goals for Roleplay Club are to create a fun environment for people to enjoy playing tabletop games and foster relationships.
Q: How do you join Roleplay Club?
A: Just show up. Some DMs, that is the people who run the games, have pre-made characters you can play as and others will help you make one. Most tables are always ready to accept new members, even in the middle of a game.