She was in the room of someone she used to know. Skimming the familiar walls, she was in the home of a girl she barely remembered. There was a static growing in her brain. Her muscles and her shoulders tightened into lumps. Hearing thundering footsteps. She saw herself wrapped in gauze. Stains of thick blood seeped through the bandages while lying in a hospital bed. Attached to IVs and hearing nothing but beeping machines. People saw nothing but the hollows around her collarbone and her dark-rimmed eyes. The beeping of machines stabbed her in the dark. All she felt was lava rising in her chest. Her thoughts swirl into a storm.
The voices were getting hungry, she felt it. The heat in her chest rose rapidly. Her blood starts to boil hotter than ever. Fighting the burst of nausea forced up her throat. Her body shivered as the heat grew. Her head spun from the movement of her thoughts. Hearing her heartbeat echo, like she was in a cave. A dark cave, filled with everything she didn’t know. Who was out to get her? Her vision blurred, her eyes stung as she took a deep breath. But she couldn’t breathe. She was being strangled by someone she used to know. Someone who was begging to get out. Someone who was sobbing for everything to stop. Someone who was a victim of being brainsick. She didn’t ask for it. She never wanted this.
Now all she ever dreams of is the peace she used to have. She’d do anything to get that back. The peace evanesced; melted so quickly away as she lived her last still moments. She realized that she held on too tight. Holding on would make those moments disappear forever. She felt like she lost a part of herself after losing what she cherished most. She’s constantly stabbed by the constant whispers in the wind and deafening words of the unwanted. All that’s left are open wounds, that won’t heal. How did this happen? Why did this happen? Why her? She’s left in the shadows, holding everything left unknown.