Last year West Orange High School created a Unified Cheer team who went on to states in their very first season. The Unified Cheer team contains a mixture of both ESE and general education students.
In May of 2023 the Unified Cheer Team went all the way to Disney to compete in their first states. There were 32 teams in total present, they competed against two teams and got first.
At states they competed in two events. One being a 30 second cheer and the other being a two minute routine filled to the brim with jumps, dance and stunts. In order to have the best performance possible, the team began to work on their routine in December, with weekly practices.
The team not only went to states, but also participated in area games where they can hone in on their skills and perfect their routine for state.
This is an exciting time for the team as they head into their next season. They plan to go to states again, but will also be found at pep rallies and the sidelines of home JV football games throughout the fall season. The next time they will be performing is September 27 on the sidelines of the JV football game.
“The Unified Cheer Team is a team that promotes inclusion between ESE students and their General Education peers,” Coach Karen Smith said. “They compete, participate in sports and perform cheer routines at WOHS and through Special Olympic competitions.”
The team consists of ten students, but would love to expand. If anyone is interested in joining the team, email Coach Smith at [email protected].